First, a little bit about us. The Te-Alah dancers are a new bellydance troupe based in rural southwest Ohio. Our studio is located in a beautifully renovated barn. Classes began in the summer of 2006 and the troupe was formed in January when we had our first performance at a Veteran's Home. Our next performance will be in April.
I am hoping that this will become a place to share information about bellydance as well as a place to ask and answer questions. Thanks so much!
Happy shimmying,
I wondered what everyone thought about choosing dance names. We did it at Habeebas, but I have forgotten it over the last four years. I have chosen a new one since we are performing now. Mine is Mahira (Mah-heer-ah) from the Hebrew meaning energetic. I found a great article explaining how to choose names and some great websites listing names and their meanings. I love yours Nancy. How did you choose it?
Tami (Mahira)
I think the name idea is cool. Marhira - where can we find your great article and websites? Iwas looking a couple of weeks ago and found some Egyptian name websites. Will post them later, gotta run right now!
Debbie (for the time being!)
Dance names are so much fun! I'll snoop around on here and post some links for choosing dance names.
My name is really just a made up name. When I first entered the cyber world I got involved in a role playing game. My character was a bartender/pickpocket/narrator of a 1700's English town...hundreds of people were involved and it was a fun creative outlet. Then I found this dance form which led me to so many lovely real life friends!
Mahira, I love the name! Thanks for posting...great topic!
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